High Quality Interpretations… More Precise Diagnosis & Treatment
When it comes to making an accurate diagnosis of disorders in skin/subcutaneous biopsies and excisions for your patients, it takes not only clinical, but histologic expertise as well. At Peoria Tazewell Pathology Group, we offer surgical pathology and a special expertise in the subspecialty dermatopathology.
How Expert Dermatopathology Interpretations Benefit You…
Expert dermatopathology interpretations benefit both the patient and the physician by offering better interpretations, leading to more precise diagnosis and treatment. In addition, an inadequate interpretation rendered by a pathologist without dermatopathology expertise may lead to medical liability due to an inaccurate diagnosis.
Our board certified dermatopathologists can assist you in making more accurate, confident diagnoses, leading to better results from treatments and more satisfied patients. We offer timely turnaround, important to patient care, and the interpretation of skin, hair and nail biopsy specimens.
Our practice is dedicated to serving physician offices and other regional pathology practices by providing pathology examination of skin/subcutaneous biopsies and excisions referred to the laboratory by dermatologists, family practitioners, general surgeons, internists, OB-Gyn physicians, plastic surgeons and other physicians who perform skin biopsies in their office. We specialize in dealing with neoplastic and inflammatory skin diseases requiring a biopsy for pathology diagnosis. Our dermatopathologists are available for case discussion as necessary.
Specimens are processed at Unity Point Health Methodist in Peoria, Illinois, which is accredited by the College of American Pathologists and licensed by CLIA in the state of Illinois. They offer immunofluorescence testing, a valuable diagnostic procedure for blistering and autoimmune dermatologic conditions. These tests detect autoantibodies attacking the skin and mucous membranes.

Our Full-Service Dermatopathology Laboratory Resources Include:
- An experienced, dedicated staff who is committed to providing surgical pathology services to physicians treating skin diseases
- Skilled laboratory personnel
- State-of-the-art equipment and methods
- 24-hour turnaround on all cases not requiring special stains
- Computerized 24-hour faxing
- Courier services
Typical Conditions Requiring Dermatopathology Expertise
- Neoplastic
- Inflammatory
Services Available
- Direct Immunofluorescence Examination – Biopsies received in Michel’s media may be processed for direct immunofluorescence study to assist in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, including bullous, collagen-vascular and vasculitis diseases. Intact skin from the margin of the lesion is required.
- Frozen Sections – Rapid diagnoses for tumor margins can be provided by receiving fresh, unfixed specimens as soon as possible after excision. A diagnosis will be provided by phone within 15 minutes of receiving the specimens. These should be sent on saline-soaked Telfa or gauze.
- Access to Special Procedures – A full range of unusual immunoperoxidase stains, DNA probe studies and molecular biologic techniques are available through specialty reference laboratories, which may be essential in certain cases. Electron microscopy can be performed at the University of Illinois campus and interpreted by our staff.
- Special Stains – A full range is available, including fungal, myco-bacterial, tissue mucin and immunohisto-chemical to assist in accurate and specific dermatopathology diagnoses.
- Routine Histopathology – Punch, shave and excisional skin specimens fixed in 10% formalin or similar fixative will be processed overnight and reported the next working day. An extra H&E slide can be provided for review.
- Consultation Services – Biopsies processed elsewhere may be submitted for consultation with appropriate clinical information, slides and paraffin blocks.